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Review of the Misterton Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have now completed the  Misterton Review Neighbourhood Plan (MRNP). Although some of the Neighbourhood Plan remains unchanged (e.g. allocated sites), there are some key additions and amendments proposed. In particular there is now:

  • a Misterton Design Code Report by AECOM (a national planning consultancy), which details  different types of housing in the village,
  • a comprehensive section on key views & significant green gaps
  • a new section on the Newell’s site (with alternative uses to housing development),
  • a clearly defined ‘Infill’ policy, clarifying the meaning of this type of development.
  • a review of housing density

The  Plan has now been submitted to Bassetlaw District Council who have arranged a referendum for Thursday 23rd May 2024, when residents will be entitled to vote.

The MRNP and associate documents are  available for download below:

Misterton Neighbourhood Plan (Review) – Final

MRNP Consultation Statement

Misterton Basic Conditions Statement

Misterton Design Code Report 


Click here to view/download the original Misterton Neighbourhood Plan Document